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5 Signs You Need AC Repair


Now that the warm weather has arrived, you’ve probably made the switch from using your heating system to your air conditioning system. By now you should have a good idea of how well it is cooling down your home. If it’s not doing a good job, it could be in need of AC repair from our Service Techs.

Signs that your air conditioner needs attention include decreased cooling power, weak airflow, and strange sounds. No matter what type of air conditioning system you have, whether it’s a central AC, heat pump, or mini split, rest assured that we are the team who can fix it for you quickly and without breaking the bank. Let’s go over the five most common signs you need AC repair in Advance, NC.

1. Weak Airflow

The top culprit behind weak airflow is usually a clogged or dirty HVAC filter. When was the last time you changed this essential component? It’s always a good idea to start the cooling season with a brand-new filter and then change it every 1-3 months.

If you’re not sure when you last changed the filter, it’s undoubtedly due to be changed. Place a new filter in your HVAC system and see if that helps with weak airflow. If not, something else is wrong and will need our attention.

2. Strange Sounds

Other than the whoosh of air blowing through the vents or coming out of the mini splits, your AC system should be fairly silent. Examples of unusual noises that should be addressed include banging, hissing, bubbling, screeching, or grinding.

Bubbling and hissing sounds could mean there’s a refrigerant leak. Banging and grinding noises could mean some components such as metal parts, fan blades, or a fan belt have come loose. Whatever unusual sound you’re hearing, restore your AC to its quiet operation by calling us for AC repair.

3. Short Cycling

Short cycling is just what it sounds like: your HVAC system runs in short cycles. However, this doesn’t mean your AC system is being super efficient. What it means is that your air conditioner is unable to complete a cooling cycle.

You may notice that your AC seems to be running all the time but your house doesn’t feel comfortable. Short cycling is incredibly hard on an AC system and should be addressed promptly.

4. High Humidity Levels

Although it’s not a dehumidifier, your AC does effectively remove humidity from your home as part of the cooling process. If your home feels especially humid and stuffy, it could be due to your AC system not running as efficiently.

5. High Utility Bills 

Does it seem like you’re paying more for utilities but you’re not using your AC system more? Unusually high utility bills can mean that your air conditioner is struggling with efficiency. contact us for a system tune-up and we can assess its performance.

Contact All-Phase Cooling and Heating for AC repair in Advance, NC. Making Your Home More Comfortable Is What We Do Best. 

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