No matter what type of furnace you have, professional care is the key to long-term efficiency and better overall heating. Even when your furnace is operating well, maintenance is an important step to invest in. Without regular maintenance, you’ll be calling our team for furnace repair in Advance sooner rather than later.
Keep reading to learn care tips for taking care of your furnace, whether it is gas or electric. Many of the care tips are the same, but there are some unique steps to take depending on which type of system you have. Aside from these homeowner maintenance steps, you can also enlist our team to help with professional service once each year – and now is a great time to schedule that appointment!
Care for All Furnaces
No matter what type of furnace you have, there’s an air filter that needs to be changed out. Doing this offers you better indoor air quality, but it also ensures proper furnace operation. If your furnace filter is too dirty, it blocks airflow leading into the system leading to strain and poor heating ability.
Many furnaces also have condensate drain lines. This is where extra humidity in the air drains outside of your home to help the air stay comfortable without being muggy and heavy. Rinsing this line with a half cup of vinegar each month prevents clogs so that water can drain out of your home freely without backing up and leaking out into your home instead.
Gas Furnace Care Tips
Gas furnaces need a little more TLC compared to electric furnaces. This is because the combustion process of creating heat using gas and an open flame leaves behind residue. If this residue builds up for too long without being wiped down, it can burn onto the interior surfaces of your furnace and leave behind a lasting layer of grime.
We recommend scheduling furnace maintenance once a year to allow for a technician to open your system and clean it. They can pay special attention to the pilot light, which can often notify us of a budding problem or carbon monoxide leak.
Any color other than bright blue means something is wrong with your furnace. If wiping down the cabinet doesn’t help, we can schedule a further diagnostic.
Electric Furnace Tips
Electric furnaces need to be wiped down as well. With an electric furnace the bigger concern is dust buildup. Dust and dirt can burn onto the heating elements and block heat transfer into the air. As with your gas furnace, be sure to let the unit cool down completely before wiping it down.
Monitor operation and call us if you notice anything out of the ordinary. You can check the electrical connections in particular to see if they are secure or loose. This is one of the biggest safety concerns with an electric furnace.
Contact All-Phase Cooling and Heating for furnace service in High Point, NC. Making Your Home More Comfortable Is What We Do Best.